Muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia)

Full sun. Zone 7 and warmer.


Muscadine grapes prefer a well-drained acidic soil. Drought tolerant once established.


Muscadines are easy-to-grow, climbing or creeping native vines that are largely insect and disease proof. They have attractive leathery green foliage that leaf out and flower late, thus avoiding most late spring frosts. We recommend muscadines for elevations up to 2500 feet. Prune annually to maintain high production levels.


Trellises, arbors, or fences in the home landscape. They are also suitable for home or commercial vineyards.


Muscadine grapes purple/black or bronze-colored fruit is sweet, musky, and delicious. Their thick skins are very high in beneficial antioxidants, Resveratrol, and anthocyanins (in the purple/black varieties) that are valuable for optimal health and disease prevention. Their grapes are wonderful fresh or can be processed into juices, wines, meads, pies, or fruit preserves.

Varieties include:

‘Carlos’ – Most common commercial bronze muscadine grown in North Carolina. Vigorous, productive, self fertile. Mostly used for juice and wine, and also very tasty for fresh eating. Prone to early budbreak and might experience cold damage from late spring freezes or frosts.

Cowart‘ – Medium-sized black fruit ripen early-mid season with good flavor. unavailable

‘Southland’ – Medium-large black fruit with excellent flavor and 17% sugar. Grows vigorously, is disease resistant, and ripens mid-season. unavailable

‘Sterling’ – A high-yielding, mid-season variety with large, delicious bronze fruit. 5 Available


$22.00 / 1 gal, $32.00 / 3 gal

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Black Mountain, NC 28711

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(828) 669-6517

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